Retrospect: Decommissioned Works 

Lodger Gallery (Online), 12th July 2023

Lodger Gallery Link Retrospect: Decommissioned Works

Whether lovingly released from its material coil in a clear-headed, creative pivot or smashed by a hammer in a manic, self-critical delirium; loaned out, stolen, left-behind or​ lost; tossed to the curb, thrown into the dumpster, cut up, broken apart, reworked or painted over; whether the destruction was built into its concept or its decay embraced; artists from around the world submitted a spectacular range of decommissioned artworks. These dead, (mostly) treasured works are memorialized here, honored for their part in each artist's creative journey. These works lived a life and existed as an extension of the artists lives. 

 All things must pass. Gone but not forgotten. 

(this work was decommissioned on 2016)


After "One and Three Chairs"


through the many alarms, I'm dead